Privacy Policy

This privacy policy ("Policy") has been developed and provided to help you understand how Duke Street Property Limited ("DSP", "we", "us") uses and protects the personal data that is collected. For purposes of this Policy, "personal data" includes any information that relates to you as an identified or identifiable individual.

Duke Street Property Limited, in addition to any group affiliates identified below, are the data controllers of any personal data that is collected through the Website. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) (registration number: ZB559866).

If you ever have any questions about this Policy or how we use your personal data, then you can always contact us using the information in the 'contact us' section below.

About this Policy

This Policy applies to information that we collect when you engage with us directly, including through our website (the "Website"), when we communicate with you either through the Website or otherwise, and when we interact with you in the ordinary course of business (including where you are a representative of a business partner, customer, vendor, supplier or an investor).

This Policy also applies to information that we collect other than directly from you, including where we receive your information from an appointed agent, from your employing organisation, or where technical information is collected from the device used to access the Website.

We will do our best to be transparent about how we use your personal data and to give you the best information possible. To help us do that we reserve the right to change this Policy or create additional policies to take account of changed circumstances or new legal requirements. Since we might need to do that in the future, we ask that you check back here on a regular basis and read this Policy together with any other privacy policies or notices that we have provided to you on specific occasions. If required, we will notify you of any material change we make to this Policy.

The kinds of personal data we process

When you interact with us in the ways described above, then we will collect and process the following types of your personal data:

• Identity Data: your first and last names.

• Contact Data: your telephone number, address and email address.

• Business Contact Data: your name, job title and location, business telephone number, business address and business email address.

• Enquiry Data: the nature of your enquiry and other information that you provide in connection with it.

•Technical Data: information about your device and browser, such as your IP address.

• Usage Data: information about how you use and interact with the Website, such as the length of time spent on each page.

Why we process your personal data and our legal basis

We collect and process your personal data for different reasons in different circumstances, provided that we always have a legal basis for doing so. Our purposes and legal bases for using each type of personal data are set out below:

Identity Data, Contact Data, Enquiry Data


To respond to your enquiry or communication.

Legal Basis

Necessary for our legitimate interests in engaging with you in relation to our business, to promote our services and use of the Website.

Business Contact Data


To engage with potential or actual suppliers of goods and services.

Legal Basis

Necessary for our legitimate interests in effectively operating and administering our business.

Technical Data, Usage Data


  • To improve the delivery of content on our Website.
  • To improve the security and functionality of our Website.
  • To customise our Website according to your online behaviour and preferences.

Legal Basis

Necessary for our legitimate interests in making improvements to our Website.

Who we share your data with

Sometimes we might share your data with third parties. This could include:

  • our affiliates and group companies;
  • service providers we use for specific purposes, such as for our IT systems or software providers;
  • our professional advisers, such as lawyers, accountants and auditors;
  • regulatory authorities, public authorities, law enforcement agencies and courts; and/or
  • in the event of a disposal or refinancing of all or a part of our business, the buyer or funder and their professional advisers.

International transfers of personal data

Our ultimate parent entity, Wittington Investments, Limited, as well as certain other third parties we transfer personal information to are based outside the UK/ European Economic Area ("EEA"), including in countries which have a lower standard of protection for personal data than in the UK.

Where required by data protection laws, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your personal data when it is transferred outside of the UK/ EEA. For example, putting appropriate contractual agreements, such as standard contractual clauses or the ICO’s international data transfer agreement, in place. You can request more information on the safeguards we rely on or ask to obtain a copy of these by getting in touch with us using the contact details set out below.

Keeping your data safe and secure

We are committed to securing your personal data and keeping it confidential. We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data from being accidentally or unlawfully destroyed, lost, altered, disclosed, used or accessed.

However, please note that despite our best efforts we cannot guarantee the security of information being exchanged over the internet and, where the Website contains links to other Website plug-ins and applications that are not operated by us, clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. You should review these third parties' Website privacy policies for information about how they process your personal data.

How long we keep your personal data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, or as otherwise required for legal purposes. Once those purposes have been achieved then, unless a different purpose for processing your data arises, it will be permanently deleted.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means. We also take into account legal and regulatory requirements which require the retention of personal information for a minimum period of time and limitation periods for taking legal action.

Your rights in connection with your personal data

You have certain rights under data protection laws in the UK in in relation to your personal data. We have set out a list of your rights below, although please note that they may not always apply in every case and may be subject to certain conditions.

  • Access: you may have the right to obtain from us confirmation if your personal data is being processed by us in addition to certain related information, as well as the right to obtain a copy of your personal data undergoing the processing.
  • Rectification: you may have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data and to have incomplete data completed.
  • Erasure request to erase your personal data if (i) it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we have collected it, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent and no other legal ground for the processing exists, (iii) you objected and no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing exist, or (iv) the processing is unlawful, or erasure is required to comply with a legal obligation.
  • Restriction: you may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data in certain cases, (so that we must suspend the processing, except for storage, with your consent or for legal claims) including for example where you object to us processing your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests or where you want to establish the accuracy or the reason we are processing your personal data.
  • Objection: where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, you may have the right to object to this processing for reasons relating to your particular situation. If this is the case, we will stop this processing of your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling reasons why we need to process it which override your rights and freedoms, or where we need to process it for the purposes of legal claims.
  • Portability: you may have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit it to other data controllers. This right only exists if the processing is based on your consent or a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means.
  • Right to refuse to provide information: you have the right to refuse to provide information when requested, however please note that where the processing of that information is necessary for the purposes of entering into or performing contractual obligations, or to comply with our legal obligations, then your failure to provide certain information when requested could mean that we are unable to comply with those obligations.
  • Right to refuse or withdraw consent: in cases we ask for your consent to processing, you are free to refuse to give consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time without any adverse negative consequences. The lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred prior to the withdrawal of your consent will not be affected.

How we use cookies

Our Website uses cookies and other tracking technologies to help us make improvements to our Website and enhance your user experience. This can involve the collection and processing of your Technical Data and User Data as described above.

To know more about the types of cookies we use and why we use them, please read our Cookie Policy.


We would always welcome the chance to deal with your concerns in the first instance, but you have the right to make a complaint to the ICO if you feel that we have handled your data improperly. If you would like to contact the ICO, then you can do so through their website at

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Policy or how we process your data then you can contact us at any time using the details below.

DSP Team at Parcels Building 6th Floor, 14 Bird Street London, W1U 1BU United Kingdom


Last updated: 23 August 2023